Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hula Hoop Exercises For Weight Loss? Yes, If You Don't Make This 1 Mistake

Listen, you may not know this, but the hula hoop may be 1 of the best and cheapest weight loss pieces of equipment you can ever buy. But beware... if you make this 1 mistake, you are probably not getting the most out of your hula hoop.

You don't need many hula hoop exercises to lose weight, but you do need to do this for maximum weight loss...

For maximum weight loss using hula hoop exercises, you must use the hula hoop in short bursts... 2 minutes at a time. Using a hula hoop in just 1 session is a mistake. Your metabolism gets much more of a boost doing short mini-workouts throughout the day.

Hula Hoop Exercises For Weight Loss? Yes, If You Don't Make This 1 Mistake

Now, to begin with, 2 minutes or less is probably all you'll be able to do before you get tired. That's fine.

But once you get good, be sure to stop after 2 minutes. Rest a bit, then do another 2 minutes as fast as you can go.

What I like to do is this... I use 2 minute tv commercials to exercise. I've found this to be best for results... as well as best for my busy schedule. This allows me to watch tv and relax, but still workout for about 22 minutes over 1 hour. (Note: There are about 22 minutes of commercials and dead time during a 1 hour tv show.)

Hula Hoop Exercises

There is only 1 hula hoop exercise that you need to do. Simply twirl it around your waist. You don't need to get fancy or anything. That's it.

I think hula hoops are awesome and under-appreciated. Besides mini-trampolines, they are fast becoming my favorite exercise equipment to use. I already have a toned body, but I've notice some nice little improvements in my waist and hips since adding the hula hoop to my 2 minute tv commercial exercise program.

So you don't need to get complicated and use many hula hoop exercises... you only need 1. Just do this 1 exercise during tv commercials everyday for about 20 minutes. Do that and I dare you to email me saying it didn't help improve your body in less than 3 weeks.

Hula Hoop Exercises For Weight Loss? Yes, If You Don't Make This 1 Mistake
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Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your free 19-page report "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success".

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

If you need some personal weight loss advice, you can contact me at my website email.

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