Monday, January 28, 2013

Hypothyroid Diet

Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) can remain undetected for years. People commonly have the symptoms of hypothyroidism even though their blood tests indicate that their thyroid function is 'normal'. This is because standard pathology tests for thyroid function can have difficulty detecting 'sub clinical' cases of hypothyroidism. The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism are chronic tiredness, constipation, feeling the cold and dry skin. If you are in a high risk category for thyroid dysfunction - have a family member with a thyroid condition (especially your mother); are at the menopausal age; have experienced lots of stress in the past two-three years; or have hormonal imbalances - then it's important that you support your thyroid, even if the tests tell that your thyroid is 'normal'. One of the best ways to support thyroid function is with diet.

Certain foods improve hypothyroidism by supplying the essential minerals that the thyroid needs to function and produce hormones.

These include:

Hypothyroid Diet

1. Tyrosine-rich foods. The amino acid tyrosine combines with iodine to make the hormone thyroxine. These foods include meat, fish, turkey and chicken breast, low fat milk and yogurt, almonds, avocado, bananas, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentils. Supplements of tyrosine should be taken on an empty stomach so that it doesn't have to compete with other amino acids.

2. Iodine-rich foods. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones. Ideal food sources include Celtic sea salt, seaweed (sushi, nori rolls), salt water fish and sea food. Iodized salt is available but should be used in small amounts once or twice a week along with a good quality Celtic sea salt. Iodine supplements are usually in the form of kelp tablets. Consult your health practitioner before using these, because the wrong dose can unbalance your thyroid.

3. High quality protein. All of our body's glands and hormones are made from protein. Try to eat high quality lean protein at every meal.

4. Selenium-rich foods - meat, chicken, salmon, tuna, seafood, whole unrefined grains, brazil nuts, brewer's yeast, broccoli, dairy products, garlic, onions and black strap molasses.

5. Supplements of Vitamin B complex and essential fatty acids because they help to balance the entire hormonal system.

6. Sunlight - while not a food, its important to get a daily dose of safe sun. Light stimulates the pineal gland, which in turn positively affects the thyroid as well as all the other endocrine glands.

Certain foods are detrimental for hypothyroidism because they can inhibit the production of thyroid hormones.

1. Soy products. Isoflavones are hormone-like substances found in soy products. High consumption of soy products have been found to suppress thyroid function in some people and can even cause or worsen hypothyroidism. In particular, an isoflavone called genistein, appears to reduce thyroid hormone output by blocking the activity of an enzyme called thyroid peroxidase. This enzyme is responsible for adding iodine onto the thyroid hormones.

How much is too much soy? Each person can tolerate a different amount and unfortunately soy is hidden in many processed and refined foods. If you have a family history of thyroid disease or a diet low in the minerals iodine and selenium, you need to be careful of your soy intake. Reduce your consumption of soy products (soy milk, tofu, tempeh, miso, soy sauce) to a maximum of two or three times per week. If you have already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, or you display the common symptoms, then reduce your intake to less than twice in a week.

2. Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard, rutabagas, kohlrabi, and turnips. Isothiocyanates are the category of substances in cruciferous vegetables that have been associated with decreased thyroid function. They appear to reduce thyroid function by blocking thyroid peroxidase, and also by disrupting messages that are sent across the membranes of thyroid cells. Cooking these vegetables does make the isothiocyanates less available. Also, because they are so good for us in other ways, only restrict this group if you have been actually diagnosed with hypothyroidism or have strong symptoms.

3. Low progesterone goes hand in hand with low thyroid, so avoid foods that promote oestrogen dominance. This includes any animal product that has not been produced organically (chicken, eggs, dairy, beef, lamb, pork, etc.). All of these foods are available organic.

4. It is believed by some researchers that chlorine and fluoride (found in most tap water) block iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, eventually leading to hypothyroidism.

5. Gluten is linked to thyroid dysfunction (both hyper and hypo thyroid) so if you have any digestive problems or any one in your family with a gluten sensitivity, it would be worth dramatically reducing your gluten intake.

Please note: The information in this article is not intended to take the place of a personal relationship with a qualified health practitioner nor is it intended as medical advice.

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Alison Cassar is a naturopathic practitioner and nutritionist and runs a busy clinic in Sydney, Australia. Her particular interest is chronic tiredness as it’s a very common presenting symptom in clinic. Her website and e-book the many causes of tiredness as well as solutions and prevention.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Personal Trainer - History of This Practice

The personal trainer career pathway is a new one that has only recently been pioneered. Obviously, the ancient Greeks and other cultures of the past have had their athletic traditions, but most of this athletic training was actually intended to keep people in shape for war. Exercising for the sake of health and going to a professional expert in fitness training is a new practice that has only begun in the 20th century.

There were destination health spas in the late 19th century that were concerned with exercise in a parallel fashion along with overall body health, but these destination health facilities often used questionable health procedures that had little to do with actual fitness. Jack Lalanne is known as the godfather of all fitness and for good reason. Born in California in 1914, Jack was first a sugar addicted child that felt he was "mean and weak" as a result.

After a nutrition lecture he saw as a teenager changed his life, Jack threw himself into a sugar free nutritious diet, exercise and soon played on multiple high school sports teams. In 1936 at the young age of 22, he opened the first health club ever. Opening the club in Oakland, California, he gained a reputation with conservative minded doctors as a "health nut" to be avoided.

Personal Trainer - History of This Practice

He walked the streets to find customers claiming he could recondition their bodies and get them in the best shape of their lives. In the process of opening his club and personally training his customers, he basically invented the personal trainer career. While he continued to shape his method for exercise instruction he also invented a number of exercise machines that are common place today.

The cable pulley weight lifting systems you see in every single gym in the world are his invention as are the smith machines you see everywhere as well. Soon Jack opened more clubs and each one had individuals working at them who could provide instruction in how to use the machines, eat well and get the proper amount of rest. Jack Lalanne eventually sold his chain of exercise clubs which were renamed Bally's.

In 1954, the American College of Sports Medicine was founded to promote fitness, health and certify fitness professionals. This organization began certifying the first personal trainers, but by the 1980s the personal trainer career became popular and sometimes even lucrative. Fitness celebrities such as John Basedow, Gilad Janklowicz, and Jack Lalanne himself have made millions selling fitness videos since the 1980s.

Today professional training companies are everywhere offering to help you get fit at either the local gym or even your own home. Thanks to pioneers like Jack Lalanne, it's quite possible for anyone to learn about fitness, get certified and find a job as a personal trainer.

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If you are looking out for a Personal Trainer Boston trainers provide in-home service. You can get a health program customized to your body type, your needs, and your schedule, and be assured of experienced professionals helping you stay in shape. To know more, visit

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Boost Your Bust Review - Does Jenny Bolton's Formula Really Work?

Boost Your Bust by Jenny Bolton is a very popular breast enhancement guide on the internet today.

On this Boost Your Bust review we will take a look at this guide, learn about the pros and cons of it and understand better if this product can really help you or not.

Boost Your Bust Review - What Exactly Is It?

Boost Your Bust Review - Does Jenny Bolton's Formula Really Work?

Created by Jenny Bolton, a medical researcher for over ten years, Boost Your Bust is a step by step eBook which contains 57 pages that supposed to teach any woman how to increase her breast size with 100% natural techniques and without any kind of pills or surgery.

Unlike many breast enlargement eBooks online that teach you how to boost the estrogen level inside your body, the Boost Your Bust guide focuses on how to control the hormones that suppress estrogen and breast growth, something that according to Jenny Bolton can help you to go from A Cup to B Cup within only 4-6 weeks.

To learn if it's really possible and to understand better if Jenny Bolton's guide can really help you or not you lets take a look at some of the pros and cons of this product.

Boost Your Bust Review - The Pros And Cons

The Pros

Comprehensive And Informative Guide

Jenny Bolton's eBook is very informative and it really contains a lot of valuable information and step-by-step directions that can be used to stimulate the growth of your breasts naturally and safely.

The eBook contains many sections and some of the most recommended are the sections on the best massages, exercises and correct diet adjustments for breast growth as well as the section on how to create your own breast growth creams at home and to save a lot of money by doing so.

Safe Solution That Is Much Cheaper Than Surgery

Women who want to enlarge their breast size usually do it through breast enhancement surgery. However, breast enhancement surgery cost a lot of money and it is also dangerous and many women usually notice different side effects after few weeks.

On the other hand, the Boost Your Bust guide focuses on all natural techniques to enhance the breast size and does not involve nasty side effects or any other risk to the woman's health.

User-Friendly Guide

Another good thing about Jenny Bolton's eBook is the fact that Boost Your Bust is really user-friendly and easy to follow guide.
The book is written in plain English which is really easy to understand and inside the guide you will find many helpful pictures with step-by-step directions that will make the learning process much easier.

The Cons

Takes More Time Then Surgery

Unlike breast enhancement surgery that allows you to see the results after just one hour, the Boost Your Bust system works naturally and it will take you much more time to see the results.

Additionally, Jenny Bolton's formula requires more effort and dedication from your part and it usually includes some lifestyle adjustments, like dietary changes.

Not Available In Hard Copy

Right now the Boost Your Bust guide comes only in eBook version and you will not find it at stores in hard copy version.

Boost Your Bust Review - The Bottom Line

Overall, the Boost Your Bust eBook by Jenny Bolton is very informative and there is no doubt that it can be very useful for many women who want to grow their breast size naturally and with no side effects.

However, just like any other treatment, remember that there is no such thing like 100% success rates and it can also take you more time than four weeks to see the results.

On the other hand, with the full money back guarantee that Jenny Bolton offers for the system it can be a good idea to try her step-by-step formula before going under expensive and risky surgery.

I hope that this Boost Your Bust review was useful for you, all the best!

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Are you ready to find out if Boost Your Bust is really for you? Visit, get a free and in-depth report about Jenny Bolton's formula and learn how you can get her product at the lowest price available today!

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hula Hoop Exercises For Weight Loss? Yes, If You Don't Make This 1 Mistake

Listen, you may not know this, but the hula hoop may be 1 of the best and cheapest weight loss pieces of equipment you can ever buy. But beware... if you make this 1 mistake, you are probably not getting the most out of your hula hoop.

You don't need many hula hoop exercises to lose weight, but you do need to do this for maximum weight loss...

For maximum weight loss using hula hoop exercises, you must use the hula hoop in short bursts... 2 minutes at a time. Using a hula hoop in just 1 session is a mistake. Your metabolism gets much more of a boost doing short mini-workouts throughout the day.

Hula Hoop Exercises For Weight Loss? Yes, If You Don't Make This 1 Mistake

Now, to begin with, 2 minutes or less is probably all you'll be able to do before you get tired. That's fine.

But once you get good, be sure to stop after 2 minutes. Rest a bit, then do another 2 minutes as fast as you can go.

What I like to do is this... I use 2 minute tv commercials to exercise. I've found this to be best for results... as well as best for my busy schedule. This allows me to watch tv and relax, but still workout for about 22 minutes over 1 hour. (Note: There are about 22 minutes of commercials and dead time during a 1 hour tv show.)

Hula Hoop Exercises

There is only 1 hula hoop exercise that you need to do. Simply twirl it around your waist. You don't need to get fancy or anything. That's it.

I think hula hoops are awesome and under-appreciated. Besides mini-trampolines, they are fast becoming my favorite exercise equipment to use. I already have a toned body, but I've notice some nice little improvements in my waist and hips since adding the hula hoop to my 2 minute tv commercial exercise program.

So you don't need to get complicated and use many hula hoop exercises... you only need 1. Just do this 1 exercise during tv commercials everyday for about 20 minutes. Do that and I dare you to email me saying it didn't help improve your body in less than 3 weeks.

Hula Hoop Exercises For Weight Loss? Yes, If You Don't Make This 1 Mistake
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Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click to get your free 19-page report "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success".

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website.

If you need some personal weight loss advice, you can contact me at my website email.

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