Sunday, November 18, 2012

God is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever

The most powerful weapon against fear and worry is scripture. You can find a scripture that pertains to your circumstances no matter what they are and lean on their power to reassure you. But why are the words of the Bible so much more powerful than others? It's because the Word of God has been unchangeable down through the centuries, unchangeable and reliable at all times.

The God who delivered the Israelites yesterday will deliver you today and your children tomorrow. God's love, power and almighty presence are unceasing. What a wonderful and reassuring feeling!

"For I am the Lord, I do not change."
- Malachi 3:6

God is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever

Change happens all around us; day changes to night, the seasons change, and the circumstances of our lives change. One day we may be up and the next day, down. Even those who love us most change as the days, weeks and years pass. God was wise enough to understand that we are human and that change in our lives should be part of the human condition, yet he also gave us certain constants in our lives - yes, there are seasons, but they follow a predictable pattern so that crops can grow and we can appreciate the beauty of nature. Day always follows night so that we can rest when we need to and wake up each day feeling refreshed. There is a constancy to even the changes in our lives that tell us that God's love is always present.

Knowing that our universe is put together so that we can rely on it to follow a reliable pattern is reassuring. It tells us that God himself is constant in His love for us, so we need not fear. His loving kindness is eternal and never changing. Even as our lives change, jobs come and go, and relationships grow and fade, God is steadfastly loving us and watching over us.

"Give all your worries to God, for he cares what happens to you."
- 1 Peter 5:7

When something in our lives goes wrong or brings us sorrow, we sometimes tell ourselves, "Don't worry, this too shall pass." It is a thought that helps us to feel just a little bit better about the lows in our lives, but when the highs come along, we don't want to think that they are only temporary. It is reassuring to remember that God has promised to always be there - He is not temporary and His love will never pass away from our lives.

God's love, power and protection are never-changing and never-ending, no matter what we do or what happens in the universe. We don't have to tell ourselves that things will change when we think about God - He's always been there and always will be. God's mighty presence is with us in all circumstances and conditions, in all places at all times. Any adversity that we face gives God another opportunity for us to experience His great peace, love and understanding. How wonderful that the Lord is so constant - you never have to worry about whether He is there for you or not - He is eternal, just as He has always said.

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord is the one who goes before you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor forsake you."
- Deuteronomy 31:8

God is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
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Robert Moment is an innovative forward-thinking Christian business and marketing coach, speaker and author of newly published book, God Will Always Be There For You. Robert is passionate about empowering individuals on how to experience God's love, power, joy, peace and prosperity. Visit and sign-up for the FREE Christian Living e-course.

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