Sunday, December 23, 2012

MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies

Food intolerance and sensitivity reactions that are not due to an allergy:

Certain foods, additives and chemicals are capable of triggering immune reactions that are not due to allergies. Chemicals mediators released by the immune system are capable of producing a variety of body reactions and symptoms. Avoiding foods that produce such reactions is suppose to resolve or at least significantly improve symptoms resulting from eating those foods. Mediator release (MRT) testing measures the release of chemical mediators from white blood cells and platelets in response to specific foods, additives or chemicals. Such chemical reactions presumably indicate sensitivity to these foods or additives.

Principles of commercially available mediator release testing (MRT):

MRT Testing Is Helpful For Food Intolerance And Sensitivity That Is Not Caused By Food Allergies

Commercially available mediator release testing (MRT, Signet Diagnostic Corporation, is based on measuring in the blood the reaction of various immune mediator chemicals released into in response to a food or chemical to which you have become sensitive or intolerant. The result is that when exposed to such foods or chemicals your blood cells release various chemicals that cause an alteration of the ratio of solids (cells) to liquid (serum) in your blood that can be measured. The white blood cells and platelets shrink and the volume of the liquid increases. The degree of change can be measured and reported as mild or moderate to severe corresponding with the degree of sensitivity to that particular food, additive or chemical.

Test results of 150 foods and chemicals combined with elimination diet and counseling:

A panel of 150 food and chemicals (123 foods and 27 chemicals) is available. The foods or chemicals producing abnormal reactions are summarized in color tables provided along with a comprehensive report containing a result's based specific elimination diet plan supplemented with several hours of personalized counseling from a dietician.

Insurance coverage for MRT food sensitivity and intolerance testing:

Several insurance carriers pay for at least a portion of the cost of this testing however because it is considered "out of network" for most plans patients are usually responsible for payment of the service. Some carriers consider the testing "experimental" or not validated and therefore do not cover the testing.

Conditions benefited by MRT testing include migraines, IBS, fatigue and fibromyalgia:

Signet markets the testing for several conditions based on limited published research combined with their extensive clinical experience and patient testimonials. They claim success with reducing or eliminating a myriad of symptoms or conditions. These include migraines, headaches, autistic behavior, anxiety, depression, ADD, sinus and ear, nose and throat problems, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting syndromes, Celiac, chronic stomachaches, bladder problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis, eczema, hives, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Skeptical doctor and frustrated patients look for answers:

Initially, I was skeptical about MRT. However, I began advocating it several months ago because many of my patients had ongoing symptoms or findings that suggested an ongoing food intolerance or sensitivity but the testing available to us could not tell us what food or foods may be a problem. After reviewing the available research data I concluded MRT testing had adequate scientific basis to recommend it as an option to those who were interested and would consider making dietary changes based on the results.

Expert food allergy doctor and patients find MRT testing helpful and worthwhile:

So far, my experience is that most of those who have undergone the testing and implemented dietary changes as a result have noted significant improvement in a variety of digestive and non-digestive symptoms. I have also noted some very interesting patterns in people with other allergies. There appears to be a strong correlation with food-pollen cross reactions, more commonly known as the oral allergy syndrome (OAS). I am following this systematically and hope to report my observations formally in the future.

Previously available testing and diet interventions fail to provide relief in some patients:

All of my patients who have decided to undergo MRT testing have already been tested for Celiac disease and most have had food allergy testing as well as both upper and lower endoscopy exams with biopsies. All also had already tried dietary interventions. Some have had tests that confirmed one or more food allergies, Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity or have presence of mast cell enterocolitis; eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroenteritis or colitis; or lymphocytic enteritis. Though most had some improvement with dietary interventions based on their previous tests, many had ongoing symptoms with or without inconclusive or negative food allergy testing.

Get MRT testing and try an elimination diet:

I believe MRT testing is a helpful addition to the evaluation and treatment of food intolerance. The testing does require a doctor's order. If your doctor is not familiar with the testing they can learn more at If your doctor will not order the testing Signet can help you locate a doctor in your area or you can obtain the testing as part of an on-line consultation. An elimination diet based on specific foods to which you are intolerant but not necessarily allergic to may be the key to relief from a variety of symptoms and conditions. If you are suspecting a food intolerance, get tested today.

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The Food Doc, Dr. Scot Lewey, is an expert medical doctor specializing in digestive diseases and food related illness, especially food allergies, celiac disease and colitis. Dr. Lewey's expert reputation as the Food Doc is established by a foundation of formal training in internal medicine, pediatrics, and gastroenterology (diseases of the digestive tract), his personal and family experience with gluten and milk sensitivity, and over two decades as a practicing physician, clinical researcher, author and speaker. Access this expert knowledge online today at

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Osteoporosis, Heartburn And Celiac Disease: Is A Gluten-Free Diet Safer Than Prilosec For Reflux

Osteoporosis may be increased by acid reflux medications: Osteoporosis is increased by long-term use of acid blocker medications called proton pump inhibitors (PPI's), like nexium, prilosec, and prevacid according to a new study. These PPI medications consistently are at the top of the list of most commonly prescribed drugs. Prilosec OTC is also available without a prescription. When heartburn, the primary symptom of acid reflux, is chronic doctors usually prescribe PPI's like nexium.

Heartburn is a common unrecognized symptom of celiac disease:
Most doctors are unaware that heartburn is a common symptom of undiagnosed celiac disease. Most are also unaware that osteoporosis is a common complication of this disorder. As a result, medications that may cause or worsen osteoporosis are being given to or taken by people who have heartburn due to unrecognized CD. The result is that the misdiagnosis of the root cause of the problem leads to treatment that may also be causing or worsening osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis, though it increases with age, occurs earlier in bowel diseases:
The prevalence is less than 15% at age 50 but increases to almost 30% at age 60, 50% at age 70 and 70% at age 80. As a practicing gastroenterologist I have noted an increasing number of below 60-year-old women and many more men who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis who have never been screened for celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease, both intestinal conditions commonly associated with an increase risk of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis, Heartburn And Celiac Disease: Is A Gluten-Free Diet Safer Than Prilosec For Reflux

Few doctors are aware that osteoporosis and heartburn are associated with celiac:
One study has highlighted the unawareness of primary care doctors that osteoporosis is associated with celiac disease. A large survey documented that less than half of doctors are aware that osteoporosis is a manifestation of celiac disease. Heartburn is also a common symptom also not commonly recognized by doctors as a manifestation of celiac disease. Gluten ingestion can impair gastric emptying resulting in more gastro-esophageal reflux. Initiation of a gluten-free diet has been shown to diminish reflux symptoms and result in the healing of esophagitis.

Reflux symptoms respond to a gluten-free diet:
Several patients I have evaluated for reflux symptoms, particularly when these symptoms were poorly controlled or the patient was considering surgery rather than take daily medications, were found to have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. In my experience, reflux symptoms frequently dramatically improve on a gluten free diet.

The positive effect of a gluten-free diet in relieving heartburn is not limited to celiac disease:
The beneficial effect of a gluten-free diet has been observed not only in celiac disease patients but also in those not meeting strict diagnostic criteria for CD. Prior to starting a gluten-free diet I took a daily proton pump inhibitor myself. After a GFD, I occasionally experience heartburn when I drink too much coffee or combine coffee, alcohol and chocolate in the same meal. In my opinion, everyone with significant heartburn or a diagnosis of reflux disease should be screened for gluten sensitivity and/or consider a trial of GFD.

How much does celiac disease increase the risk of osteoporosis?
How much celiac disease increases osteoporosis is debated. Studies have shown from small increases (1.5-1.8 times) to much larger (3-5 times) increases of osteoporosis in CD. Such increased risk has prompted for calls for screening all people with celiac disease for osteoporosis and all people with osteoporosis for celiac disease.

Increased risk of osteoporosis raises concern about long-term use of acid blocking medication:
With this new study raising the concern about long-term use of acid blocking medications causing an increase risk of osteoporosis and the frequently unrecognized association of heartburn with undiagnosed celiac disease the use of these medications without excluding CD and considering this side effect is dangerous. Do not blindly accept a doctor's offer to write you a prescription for acid blocker medications without looking further into the possible causes of your heartburn as well as the risks of simply treating your symptom with a medication that may actually be worsening the complication risks of an underlying undiagnosed problem that can be simply treated by diet.

For more information and the knowledge you need to be your own advocate for food related illness and digestive conditions be sure to go to the Food Doc website and blog to subscribe to the Food Doc Blog. Don't miss any of the Food Allergies Specialist - the Food Doc online articles. The Food Doc blog and exist to provide you with insights from the Food Doc to eat right to feel right.

©Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

Osteoporosis, Heartburn And Celiac Disease: Is A Gluten-Free Diet Safer Than Prilosec For Reflux
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The Food Doc, Dr. Scot Lewey, is an expert medical doctor specializing in digestive diseases and food related illness, especially food allergies, celiac disease and colitis. Dr. Lewey's expert reputation as the Food Doc is established by a foundation of formal training in internal medicine, pediatrics, and gastroenterology (diseases of the digestive tract), his personal and family experience with gluten and milk sensitivity, and over two decades as a practicing physician, clinical researcher, author and speaker. Access this expert knowledge online today at

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Fix a Slow Running Computer Today Completely FREE

Yes, you read it correctly. You can fix a slow running computer today without any cost to you. Before contacting a computer technician or buying software, you can try some "house-cleaning" first on the computer. The computer is like a house that needs maintenance. Over months of use, installing and deleting programs, downloading files, visiting thousands of web pages, your PC can accumulate clutter that result in its slow performance.

A slow running computer is like a space filled with trash and disorganized things. If you are looking for something, let's say, your car keys, you cannot find it easily with all of that clutter. It may be the reason why your computer works very slowly. It may be working slowly because there are a lot of trashes all around. You need to fix a slow running computer today because having a slow computer also makes the user a slow worker.

There are many companies and sites today that promise your instant solution to your slow computer. Many of them offer instant service of do-it-all software and it is hard to choose which can really help you. Added to that is the cost of the service and the software.

Fix a Slow Running Computer Today Completely FREE

You may be glad to know that you can do your own "house-cleaning" first before hiring a technician or buying software. You can fix a slow running computer today and do some house cleaning for your PC by simply taking out the trash.

House cleaning always involves this action. You can fix a slow running computer today by simply emptying your computer's recycle bin. When you delete a file, the computer puts the file into the recycle bin. There are times when you accidentally delete a file and suddenly you realized that it is the wrong file you delete. The recycle bin stores this file so you can access it again and restore it to its original place.

The Recycle Bin is very helpful many times but in most cases, the deleted files that accumulate in it cause your computer to slow down. There may be hundreds of files in the recycle bin that you really want be deleted. Delete them now and you can instantly fix a slow running computer today.

Just find the trash bin icon on your desktop. Double click it to open it. When you open it you will see the list of all the trash that your PC is carrying all these weeks or months! Close the trash bin. It's not giving out the smell but it sure is giving out some heavy load to your PC. To permanently rid your PC of that heavy trash, right-click the Recycle bin icon in your desktop. From the drop down menu, click Empty Recycle bin.

If you have a very long list of deleted files inside the Recycle Bin, it may take a while to permanently take each of the out of your PC. Imagine the space that it will free your PC with all of those unwanted files out.

This simple "house-cleaning" technique can save you a lot of money on the services of a technician or on the cost software. Taking out your computer's trash can fix a slow running computer today.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Your Personal Fitness Regime

Everybody knows that it is important to be fit. Your level of fitness is a major factor in your lifespan, and getting in shape should be a priority. There are plenty of celebrities, whether qualified or not, offering to sell you their latest fitness video or book, and more and more articles in newspapers and magazines about the cost of not having a daily workout; the impact on your health, the social effects of being unfit, and of course the fact that most fashionable clothes don't come in plus sizes. Getting fit should be on your 'to-do' list all year round, and not just a New Year's resolution that doesn't make it past the first few days of January.

It is easy to start a fitness regime, and then run out of enthusiasm. With a busy work schedule, and an equally busy social life, it's a common enough occurrence that people drop out of exercising on the basis that they don't have enough time. The most obvious answer to this, and something that most fitness instructors will suggest, is just to get out of bed a bit earlier, and use that time to exercise. Of course, to some this may seem like a nightmare, and not something to inspire them; nightowls should look for something to do in the evening, perhaps a late workout session at the gym, or installing some home exercise equipment so that you can watch TV as the same time as working out.

Not everyone is suited to a traditional fitness regime of steps and 'dancercise'. You might find it rewarding to try other methods to keep fit, such as martial arts. It is not important how you get fit: only the results matter. If you find that you enjoy fencing, for example, then that will extend your enthusiasm for your fitness regime. Doing something that you hate, or which you feel stupid doing, won't last very long.

Your Personal Fitness Regime

Keep your enthusiasm up in other ways, by working out to favourite tracks, or by keeping a log of how well you've done. You can work out with a friend and have a competition; or you can set yourself goals in your fitness regime, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Fitness should be something that you work towards for all of your life, and a daily exercise routine will certainly help you achieve that goal. Even if your exercising consists of a short run everyday, and you never end up with a full six-pack, that does not matter. Fitness is not about getting the perfect body, it is about a general physical state where you feel more energetic, and you feel good about the way your body looks and works.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

6 Tips To Start Your Auto Repair Shop Business Today

So you want to start an auto repair shop business here are 6 tips to get you started off right.

1) First as with any business you need to write a business plan:

Businesses that do not write a business plan usually fail you must know what you expect for the business. Where is it headed? Will you some day have a franchise or will you only have one location? What type of advertising should you do? How much will it cost for shop equipment employees tools lifts etc. You must write a plan to know where your business is headed. You would not plan a trip with out looking at a map would you? Make sure to map out your business to see future plans become a reality.

6 Tips To Start Your Auto Repair Shop Business Today

2) Register for a business license:

Call your local SBA they are the best place to start. They can tell you about loans, free publications and so much more. You must register your business with the local city hall. You should call the court house to find out what business licenses you will need as they vary from state to state. In my county you do not need a fictitious name if the business is in your name such as David's Car Repair but if you want Elite Car Repair you must file with the state for a fictitious name which can be done online.

3) Open a business account:

This is very important you will need an account just for the business to pay for business expenses. This is where a lot of businesses fail they spend business profits on personal bills. In the first few years of business the business must keep 80% of income to sustain itself and grow. I know it is tempting but be careful. Contact your local bank and get a no fee checking account for your business.

4) Get insurance:

You must have garage insurance if you will have employees you will need worker comp insurance and you should check into what ever other liabilities there may be for your area fire, hurricanes,tornado etc. Insurance can make or break your growing business if you have insurance and the shop burns down insurance will pay to replace your shop. Or if you have disability insurance for just yourself if your a one man business. If you break your wrench hand you can sustain the business for months until you get well.

5) Pick a location:

The old adage location, location, location is true with auto repair shops. You should make sure to find a shop right by the interstate or the main highway. If you can put your shop in the middle of your busy town. If you can find a shop location by the highway it will be very lucrative for your business.

6) Advertise:

To me this is one of the most important things you can do for your shop. The old adage "when you do not advertise a funny thing happens" Nothing is true in the auto repair business. The first thing you do if your car needs repairs and you do not know any one to fix it for you. Most people would check the phone book go online check the newspaper. A good source of advertising is tow truck companies in you area. What do truck drivers see daily that is right broken down vehicles. Offer them a referral fee for every customer they send you. You could pick up 10 or more repair jobs a month from them alone. Marketing is very important in any business get creative have fun and always under promise and over deliver and you will be successful.

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The author has been in the automotive industry for over 20 years. Click here to get complete information on starting your own auto repair shop at

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

$5,000 Personal Loan For Bad Credit - Get the Loan You Need Today

Do you need ,000 or more to help you pay for something or get you out of some type of emergency situation? There are many reasons why you might need a ,000 personal loan for bad credit, and if you have bad credit, then you already know that the road is a tough one when it comes to this type of loan. There are options, but you might just have to get a bit creative. Here are some of the options you can use to get the money you need.

First, if you are a student and you do not receive financial aid at this moment in time, then this is your first and best option. You can get a good chunk of money from a student loan and it will be at very low interest. The best part is as long as you are in school you will not have to make any payments on the loan. This is awesome because of the way it is set up and you can use this for whatever you want to use it for.

Second, if you cannot use the first options, then Prosper is your next best option. This is an online lending marketplace that pairs up individual lenders with individual borrower to get them the loans that they need. They accept all types of credit and you will get a chance to actually explain your situation and your bad credit for the potential lenders. This can help you get the loan you need because you are dealing with real people instead of a company.

,000 Personal Loan For Bad Credit - Get the Loan You Need Today

Last, if you are desperate and need the money in a hurry, then you can get a ,000 personal loan for bad credit by coupling together a few payday type loans. These will have to be paid back rather quickly, but if you go to a few different payday loan websites, then you can get your money through 3 or 4 loans pretty quickly. This is a last resort and should only be used in emergency situations.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

How Socrates Influences Our Lives Today

Socrates (ca. 470-399 BC) is not just another "dead white male" despised by our university elite but a man whose philosophical breakthroughs reverberate down through the centuries and profoundly affect us today. Athens in the fifth century BC was the age of Pericles. The grandiose construction projects undertaken by Pericles such as the Parthenon were being built during Socrates' lifetime.

Philosophically, Athens was in a time of confusion, flux and disarray. The pre-socratic philosophers, namely the sophists such as Protagorus, Gorgias and Thrasymachus were teaching moral relativism in their philosophical schools. The term "sophist" means "wise man" and these wise men implicitly regarded their own personal wisdom as the foundation of understanding right behavior.

Protagorus, Gorgias and Thrasymachus were not native to Athens and had traveled extensively. In their travels they had seen that what was forbidden in one culture was permitted or even encouraged in another. This led them to the erroneous conclusion that morals are relative and therefore there is no foundation of truth or firm way of determining right and wrong.

How Socrates Influences Our Lives Today

The term "sophistry" today has negative connotations as well it should. Since the sophists believed morals were relative they descended into philosophical pragmatism which is the idea that the best philosophy is that which is practical or that which "works" regardless of its moral implications.

Pragmatism is very popular in western civilization today. The pragmatist philosophy of the American philosopher William James is a flowering of modernist sophistry. In the West we now have a situation similar to that of ancient Athens. The ancient sophists charged high fees for their courses of instruction and this too was a departure from Athenian tradition which had always maintained that philosophers not charge for their instruction. Socrates was trained by the sophists but could only afford the short course.

The sophists taught rhetoric which is the art of verbal persuasion. Since the sophists made no firm truth claims so they just taught how to persuade. Each man made up his own truth and the more clever could persuade others.

Socrates saw the emptiness of this and feared for his city that the sophists, through their relativism, would destroy the foundation of morals and eventually lead to an extinction of ethics and a return to barbarism. Socrates' approach to the situation was to look to the intellect to try to discover the foundation of truth. He looked to the human conscience. Socrates had stumbled onto one of God's ways of giving revelation to man.

The Bible in Romans 2: 14-15 tells us that Gentiles who do not have God's written book, the Bible, do have their consciences which tell them right from wrong.

All people throughout human history have the inward witness of conscience which regardless of cultural training gives witness to God's will. The Bible also teaches that all people have the witness of nature (Psalm 19: 1-3; Romans 1: 19-20) which reveals things about God. Socrates had no Bible but was not totally without access to revelation of God's will. God has given light to all people including Socrates. Socrates did his best to live by the light he had.

I do not claim to know whether or not Socrates ever came to true repentance and received eternal life. I do believe that he made philosophical breakthroughs that brought about moral reform.

Socrates preferred argumentation over rhetoric. He sought to tease out a solid definition of virtue. His form of argumentation is called "dialectic." Dialectic is the practice of examining statements logically through question and answer. Thus arose the famous "Socratic questioning."

You can imagine how annoyed the older sophist philosophers were by this smart young man asking embarrassing questions. They could not answer his questions and their inadequate answers revealed the logical absurdities of the sophist positions.

Socrates changed the course of philosophy and is a hero to those of us who stand up for principle against persuasive demagogues. Later on Athens lost a war with Sparta and in that turmoil Socrates' enemies were able to level charges against him which resulted in a death sentence. The parallels between Socrates' Athens and contemporary western civilization are inescapable. Universities are currently rife with sophistry. Moral relativism, the idea that there is no real right or wrong, that each person makes up his own morals is taught in the college classroom.

At first glance moral relativism appears to be open minded and tolerant but since it provides no basis for right behavior it threatens the erasure of ethics and a return to barbarism.

There are three worldviews:

1) The modern worldview is the idea that absolute truth exists and that it can be discovered by human reason alone independent of the Bible or any other verbal revelation from God.

2) The postmodern worldview is the idea that no absolute truth exists and that truth is relative, truth is purely subjective and is created by each individual human mind.

3) The Christian worldview is that God has given us absolute truth through His divinely inspired book, the Bible and God has also given absolute truth through the human conscience and also through nature (God's laws are embedded in nature which is the concept of natural law).

Right now there are millions of young people who see themselves as being in the same position as Socrates. These young people see through the sophistry of the university elite. The difference is that while Socrates had no Bible these young people are born again Christians who know their Bibles and receive from the Bible a clear instruction of God's morality. There is an army of these holy Socrates' going forth, Bible in hand, to give western civilization absolute truth, the same absolute truth on which the West was originally founded. This truth is the Christian Gospel.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in fulfillment of over 300 prophecies written centuries before His birth. No other figure in all of history can make this claim. The fact that Jesus would come to die for our sins and then be resurrected from the dead is foretold by Old Testament prophecies. These prophecies give Jesus Christ supernatural proof of His authority to give us absolute truth

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Bill Nugent, a defender of the Christian faith, has written many articles on Christianity, philosophy and science. He has also written books that give Bible based teaching on sanctification and that caution against the error of legalism. His books are available at his ministry website

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